Our In Store only Gift Voucher is perfect for anyone living in New Plymouth who can visit our physical store. We will courier the recipient their voucher with a complimentary gift card from you in one of our Babylove Gift Card Envelopes and even add a token chocolate.
Stuck on what to get as a gift for a pregnant mum, baby shower gift, newborn or 1st, 2nd or 3rd birthday?
Why not give a Babylove Gift Voucher and let the receiver pick a gift from our growing selection of beautiful baby and mum gifts or our unique toys and books.
We will send a card with your message in it (please fill out the comments field at checkout) and we will post to anywhere in New Zealand.
With 1000's of products in store there is something for even the hard to buy for person to choose from.
Or please email us if you have a special request as we are more than happy to help you find that special item.