"Ross the Cat" takes readers on an enchanting journey through the iconic Pukekura Park, in search of Taranaki's newest celebrity, Ross. With a significant social media following and a feature on TV One's Good Sorts TV programme, Ross has a fond fanbase who will be thrilled that their favourite feline is now immortalised on the pages of this delightful children's book.
What makes this book even more special is that the profits from its sale will be donated to the local SPCA, an organisation that played a crucial role in helping Ross survive a traumatic start to life.
The reunion of author Helen Griffiths and illustrator Simon Chadwick ensures that readers can expect a seamless and heartwarming collaboration, guaranteed to bring smiles with each turn of the page.
24cm x 24cm
Check out the Newspaper article here: https://www.stuff.co.nz/taranaki-daily-news/300945489/pukekura-parks-famous-feline-ross-the-cat-is-getting-a-book